Mouth Injury Dentist

Treat Your Injury & Pursue Pain Relief

Suffering a traumatic dental injury? Most often, these injuries occur as a result of accidents or sports-related injuries. Treatment will depend on the severity, type, and location of the injury inside of your mouth. Even if your injury appears mild, it is vital that you request an immediate dental examination. Often times, neighboring teeth suffer additional, unnoticed injuries which can only be detected in a comprehensive dental examination.

At Smiles On Broadway, we have the advanced skill, technology and techniques necessary to try to save your injured teeth and properly treat your injury. Our specialist upholds a caring approach, maintains open communication with patients, creates a cheerful environment and delivers gentle care to even the most anxious patients. We obtain the in-depth education, training, and expertise necessary to treat even the most complex mouth injuries.

Available Around the Clock to Handle Your Dental Emergencies
High Quality Dentistry & Superior Patient Care.